

Raising a child or young adult in athletics can be one of the most rewarding yet difficult experiences for parents. Unique challenges are also encountered with teams, administrators and league personnel. The Athletic Mind Institute has assisted thousands of parents to make the sport experience the best it can possibly be for youth today!

A.M.I. offers services and programs for:

  • Parents of individual athletes (all ages/levels/sports)
  • Parent groups and organizations (such as boosters/clubs)
  • Travel and select teams
  • Schools and school district personnel (administration, athletic directors)
  • Leagues, state and national organizations

Our goal is to make athletic experiences extremely rewarding, applicable and enriching! All programs are customized to address your desired topics and concerns.

A.M.I. offers services and programs for:

We address concerns such as maximizing performance, motivation, thoughts of quitting, issues surrounding transitioning from high school to college sports, and helping your child recover from injury, among many others.

We address a wide range of topics such as helping student-athletes get the most out of their athletic experiences, sportsmanship, ideal fan behavior, productive and positive parent in sports, mental training, multi-sport athletes, and building healthy life and school success through sports.

Topics covered include sportsmanship, positive parenting at competitions and developing leadership skills.

Programs for schools, school districts, leagues, and state and national organizations focusing on interventions for areas such as substance abuse, behavior problems, fan behavior, productive parenting and academic problems in student-athletes.

Through working with Dr. Kays, I have the tools to perform my best when in counts most: in auditions and concerts. He has helped me achieve happiness and confidence while being competitive and loving every aspect of my performance.

Charlotte O’Connor, M.A. French Horn Instructor Plays in various symphonies including Fort Wayne, Indiana; West Virginia, and Columbus, Indiana

I first came to work with Dr. Kays before embarking on auditions for doctoral-level music programs. Before working with him, I had the tendency to let little things bog me down during performances, and would overthink every aspect of my playing and performances. After multiple sessions with Dr. Kays, I was offered admission and doctoral…

Shelby Carico Doctoral Teaching Assistant James Madison University Trumpet Studio

I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Kays for my entire professional soccer career and what a difference it made. Being a professional soccer player, there is more to the game than wins and losses. This past year Dr. Kays helped me with the mental aspect of the game. Through literature and “mind…

Jon Busch Goalie, San Jose Earthquakes. Goal Keeper of the Year, 2008

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